[compost_tea] Re: Flow forms

From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 17:04:22 -0000


I've searched for hours trying to find some sort of pattern to no
avail. Perhaps some of the Biodynamic readers can help us! I've
ordered Wilkes book I'll report on information there when I recieve

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "David Attwater"
<nativefreshwaterfish_at_h...> wrote:
> I would love to use flow forms, but the price of them stops that.
> anyone know of any plans that may be available for a person to make
> own?
> Thanks
> Dave

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Received on Fri Dec 17 2004 - 12:34:15 EST

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