Re: [compost_tea] Re: Flow forms

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 13:50:53 -0800

In my experience, there must have been lots of fungus in your compost. As =
far as I can tell, from brewing and testing, the brew cycle just isn't long=
 enough to grow fungi without the majority of bacteria going dormant. So t=
o my way of thinking, the fungi must have been in the compost and extracted=
 into the tea because the brewer was a better environment for them than the=

I'll keep you informed. I am running this thing with two test brewers, One=
 is mine the other is one you are using. This thing blows both test brewer=
s away. I'm completely shocked and didn't think it was possible because th=
ere are food limits and the law of doubling which cannot be ignored. So, b=
acterially, it looks like brew times can be significantly shortened. I am =
waiting for an ND from my lawyer and when he sends it over, I will forward =
it to all interested parties. When I get it back with an electronic signat=
ure or mailed, I will send the plans and operational parameters for the tes=
ts and a check for SFI testing.

Ted Peterson
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: James Toler
  Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 11:05 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Flow forms

  Hi Ted

  I am operating a brew center in Salem using a 500 gallon Norsen and a 50 =
gallon KIS. I keep careful track and monitor my teas for pH, temp and DO2.=
  I am interested in your water treatment experiment. I made one special b=
rew over the summer in the KIS brewer for a special show at the Oregon Gard=
en that had the most phenomenal active fungus I have seen in two years. I =
don't know what caused it but I would really like to figure it out. I was =
using water from the well on our farm for that one.

  Jim Toler
  Willamette Organics

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Ted Peterson
    Sent: 12/19/2004 3:57:04 PM
    Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Flow forms


    I have been experimenting with flow-form (kind of) technology (actually=
 a way to make a certain kind of water molecule) and came up with a design =
that was supposed to make a certain kind of water. Well, it sort of worked=
 -- the water circulated correctly -- but mostly failed. However it was a=
 momentous failure! I failed to get the water I wanted but stumbled onto s=
omething else. I have been running the new technology next to one of my br=
ewers and a competitor's brewer and I will simply state that the results I =
have measured are off the map. Everything worked better, the bacteria I c=
an see with the microscope simply exploded. Rods and cocci everywhere. Wh=
en I first looked at the sample, I thought I had gotten a piece of plastic =
or something in the sample. I have never seen so much activity. I brewed=
 the same amount of compost from the same pile and with the same nutrients =
measured by weight. All the water was the same. I can say this. Flow form=
s, even simple ones, seem to work because they add O2 and increase surface =

    I need 5 people to sign an non-disclosure agreement and do some testing=
. You will have to invest about $35 to $50 in parts and I will give you e=
xact specifications of what you need and how you need to do it. You can ge=
t the parts locally. I then need you to send samples to me so I can compar=
e them with that I am seeing. After I get some confirmation, I will have e=
veryone send one sample to Elaine. I will pay for the sample and the testi=
ng with SFI.

    I really think I have accidently hit on something quite fantastic here =
but further experimentation and confirmation from other people are needed. =
 When I say more bioactivity, I mean I was blown away with the samples. My=
 brewers are good. They make good tea but this is an order of magnitude im=
provement. I had no idea. And the best part about it is that it is far le=
ss expensive than the technology I was using before. It is about $200 less=
 expensive to build.

    To Tom:

    A vortex by any other name is a vortex. While my brewers have lots of =
air actions and water circultation, this new approach creates vortices. I =
am flat blown away.

    I will apply for patents Monday and have an ND ready by Wednesday at th=
e latest. So if anyone is interested, please drop me a line.

    Nick and Judy:

    You should have received the package but if you haven't, I have gotten =
most of it on line so I can just send it that way.

    Look folks. I am stoked out of my mind. I never thought that this wou=
ld happen like this but before I get too carried away with my own self-delu=
sion, I need some confirmation. It would be the happiest accident I could =
think of. However, the water molecule stuff just flat failed. Great idea =
but doesn't work as I am using it. So I guess NASA was correct in rejectin=
g it.

    Ted Peterson

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