From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 17:35:28 -0000

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, soilfoodweb@a... wrote:
> On this list serve, we've been pointed to the Woods End website
before, and we've had this discussion before at least once, maybe

TJ And we should continue to have theses discussions, no matter how
many times. We also NEED to be aware of other labs and their work.

> First off, Woods End uses plate counts, and I always laugh when
they describe the plate count approach they use as determining active

TJ Laughing is a good thing, but there ARE uses for plate counts.
Thanks for the even handed approach in pointing them out.

> Any microbiologist worth their degree

TJ This soundss like the kind of sniping we should avoid?

TJ Apparently Woodsend has some signifcant impact on standards, I
would suggest that we, and hopefully the ICTC, take a leadership role
in trying to bring the pieces together rather than taking backhanded
shots at the value of someones education.

TJ I will always consider SFI as a leader in direct counts and
development of ACT. I will also continue and must continue to
interface with as many of the alternatives labs as possible. This
process may have come to the forefront on the basis of a single
researchers work, but has gotten far bigger than any single poster or

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Received on Thu Dec 23 2004 - 13:37:27 EST

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