[compost_tea] Christmas Worms

From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 19:13:24 -0800


     Christmas Worms
     By Julie Gordon
     'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
     not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
     I lay still beside him until I heard a snore,
     then I slipped from the bed and out through the door.
     I crept up the hallway and down the front stair;
     I tiptoed to the living room to see what was there.
     And lo and behold, under the tree,
     was a shiny black box labelled to ME!
     I pulled and I pried, and as I lifted the lid,
     I heard a cough from behind, my husband up from bed.
     I stood up and stammered "I-I just couldn't sleep";
     "Mm-hm", answered Don, "well that box'll keep".
     And so I resigned to go back to bed,
     but visions of gifts still danced through my head.
     A new dress, a necklace, a crate full of socks;
     what could possibly be contained in that box?
     A tea set, some perfume, a puppy to keep;
     I ran through the options as I drifted to sleep.
     In the morning I woke from that sleep with a scream;
     creepies and crawlies; I'd had a bad dream.
     And then I remembered just what day it was:
     December 25th, Christmas, of course!
     I ran to the living room to see what I'd get,
     but I wasn't prepared for the sight that I met.
     There were worms in the carpet, worms on the chairs,
     worms in the hallway, worms on the stairs.
     Worms hung from the lampshades and climbed up the walls;
     they infested the kitchen; they crawled through the halls.
     I looked at my husband; on his face was pure shock;
     bewildered he wondered "how'd they escape from that box?"
     And then I remembered that I'd lifted the lid;
     could worms have been what my Christmas box hid?
     "Yes", said my hubby, "it's a vermicomposter";
     under my breath I muttered "I'd as soon have a toaster".
     But alas I was stuck with this so-called 'worm bin',
     So I set about getting those worms back in.
     And now it's one year later, Christmas eve once again;
     my house plants are thriving, I've worm bins times ten.
     Yes, it's true, that black gold sure works like a charm;
     I can't wait 'til my husband opens his brand new ant farm!
                         Revised December 17, 1996
     Published by City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture
                    Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture


Received on Fri Dec 24 2004 - 06:08:51 EST

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