Re: [compost_tea] AACT & the greenhouse

From: butch ragland <>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2004 14:43:41 -0800 (PST)
Gail I guessing but i suspect that there is a wide
range knowledge and experience on this list but you've
asked way to many questions. If you break it down to
specifics i think it will be easier to get
--- Gail Raby <> wrote:

> Much of the information explored in AACT posts is
> relevant to soil and
> plant application in the
> feild or home-owner landscape.  Emphasis regarding
> soil application is
> on establishing (innoculation/establishing,
> awakenng, nuturing/feeding)
> a microheard and protection of same (not using
> harmful practices and
> substances).  The expectation is to reap various
> rewards such as
> nutrients not leaching,
> pathogen management/elimination, creation of friable
> soil, healthier
> plants, etc.,  etc.
> How can AACT knowledge be translated to greenhouse
> use.  I can see that
> foliar applications could be valuable; however,
> since potting soil is
> an artificial medium, placed in
> separate containers for growing separate plants,
> what is the benefit of
> AACT applications.
> Doc E, do you have any test data on this.  Any one
> else?
> Also, I would  appreciate hearing from those
> gardeners and
> professional growers who have used AACT in GH and
> what you have
> observedon seed flat germination, transplant shock,
> and seedling and
> established plant growth as regards plants, etc ---
> and how AACT
> effects soil mixtures (or vice versa) in small
> containers (4" pots) and
> larger (gallons, 5-g).  Can a good biology actually
> be sustained in
> this artifical situation.
> Also, what is an ideal potting soil mixture for use
> with both
> greenhouse growing and outdoor
> container plants?  So far most I have come across
> (both as ready mix or
> recipies for mixing your
> own)  are geared to and formulated by orthodox
> agri-business 
> paradigmns.
> I am thinking in terms of small commercial (mom &
> pop or small
> nursery-grower concerns) &  home/hobby greenhouses
> yet it seems to that
> what ever works for this would be equally applicable
> in large scale
> commerial greenouse productions.  (That is presuming
> the latter is not
> geared to bottom line cheapest material cost and
> fastest production
> imputs/techniques over quality plant material.)
> And for non-woody plants such as shrub and trees,
> what would one
> select for in AACT?  Fungal or bacterial?Can any
> generalizations be
> made (as GH subjects may range through tropical
> patio plants, annuals,
> native and non-native perennials and a few home
> garden veggies).
> As regards landscaping with mixed annual/perennial
> flower beds with
> shrubery backdrops --- and woodland gardens where
> many shrubs grow
> together with spring ephemerals, hostas, ferns, toad
> lilies, impatiens
> and the like, how does one use AACT.  Will using
> alternate applications
> bacterial/fungal formulations allow each plant to
> create a mini zone
> soil micro-climate to its own liking?
> g
> g

Butch Ragland
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