From: Dwaine Gipe <dolldoc4_at_suscom.net>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 07:15:16 -0500


Understanding what you need based on what others say comes down to some ser=
ious pondering.

In the recent posts there are a lot of truth factors some of which you may =
understand and some that may clear up, in your mind, in time, in relation t=
o your needs. It is not necessary that you understand all the technical wor=
kings of the total biological package. I suggest there are a lot of good s=
oil builders out there who have not the foggiest academic understanding of =
this total. Yet they build. They leave their half acre a bit better than t=
hey found it as a result of their simple management techniques.

Quality aerobic tea simple as it may sound is a technique that supports the=
 total. It contains the building blocks in living color. Said simply all o=
f the biological basic needs are in the mix.

Compost contains all of the same building blocks in relation to how it was =
made and what diversity was in the mix. Compost is both liquid and complex =
solids or foods in the active process of converting from living materials t=
o humus to humates. It is the total biological conversion that is the resul=
t. This action we call compost making is really technically different in i=
t's diverse parts even on the same property due to different contents. It =
is difficult to apply compost physically as well as financially to large ar=
eas of land.

Working against any building blocks or management techniques are the killer=
 elements and weather that may be destructive, to the living biological mix=
. This includes any factor that stresses healthy development and improveme=
nt of the total.

There are many on site components of compost. Today we have learned that m=
owed grass better serves the land from which it grew. More of us today simp=
ly mow and let the yard grasses fall where they may. Farmers used to clean =
their fields and watch the soil erode and blow away. Today many return the =
crop residual to the soil and plant cover crops rotating them as they can. =
Some have been able to reduce if not stop using the synthetics which may st=
ress the very biological life they need to build the natural NPK they once =
thought had to be purchased and placed into the mix. We suburban folks sen=
d tons of leaves to the landfills. Some areas are now composting leaves or =
just simply using the complex leaf by returning them, to the soil where, or=
 near where they fall. What you can do to improve your half acre is pretty =
much up to your creativity.

Two relatively simple books have helped me to understand a little better. T=
hey are both available on line for less than ten dollars each. Dear Dirt D=
octor, Garret, Texas University Press and Let It Rot, Campbell. I am a boo=
kie, in that I feel, that there is one page, in every book that will be pri=
celess to me. Sometimes, in a second or third read I may find another line =
or two that just were not talking to me because when first read the book I =
did not see that piece of a puzzle.

Management of your thinking and half acre is exciting as you delve into the=
  many techniques you may use to better your lot.....so to speak. My think=
ing is that no one can actually fail if they are adding some or all of the =
following: tea, compost, elements of composts and keeping a crop living on=
 the surface, of the soil. The elements of compost may include organic bagg=
ed mixes we call organic fertilizers and various commercially available liq=
uids many of which are elements of tea or compost. At your best in a small =
plot or lot you may not, in time, need much if any purchased building block=
s because you will have found your needs close by.

Your questions have been good ones. We hope our answers will help you get =
the picture in your mind according to your ability and the understanding th=
at you are attempting to make work for you.

Received on Fri Dec 31 2004 - 10:16:10 EST

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