[compost_tea] human health effects of fruits and vegetables

From: Tom Jaszewski <tom_at_livesoil.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 22:19:39 -0000

ark your calendar - August 17-20, 2005

First Announcement
Join the scientific community involved in human health effects of
fruits and vegetables in Québec City

Dear Colleagues:

Eating fruits and vegetables (FAV) is of paramount importance to a
healthy life. The World Health Organization has recognized this fact
and is now promoting FAV consumption with the explicit aim of
reducing non-communicable diseases (chronic diseases) and promoting
health. This strategy is based on the growing scientific evidence
that FAV contain specific bioactive compounds involved in preventing
or even curing diseases.

Fifteen years ago, the American Society for Horticultural Science
organized a visionary and pioneer conference on Horticulture and
Human Health in Virginia. At this conference, the importance of FAV
as a source of fibers and vitamins was emphasized and it was made
clear that there was more to horticultural produce than organoleptic
or esthetic attributes. Since that time, scientific knowledge on the
beneficial properties of FAV on health has exploded. We have
identified some of the bioactive molecules conferring the beneficial
health effects, and epidemiological studies clearly demonstrate how a
FAV-rich diet can reduce a number of chronic diseases. Moreover, our
lifestyle has changed, so have our eating habits, and not necessarily
for the better. This has led to an outburst of illnesses like
obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases that are closely
linked to nutrition.

Great interest has surged worldwide on the role that FAV play on
health. Prompted by the huge and ever increasing market of
nutraceutical and functional foods, many structured research groups
and centers have emerged in North America, Europe, and Asia. Yet,
until now, there has been no real forum where researchers from
different disciplines can meet and share complementary informations.

The objective of the International Symposium on Human Health Effects
of Fruits and Vegetables is to create a forum for horticultural
scientists, nutritionists, clinicians and medical doctors to exchange
information and bridge the communication gap between the agricultural
sciences, nutrition and health sciences. This Symposium, sponsored by
the International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) and the
Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (INAF) of Université Laval will take place from August 18 to 20, 2005 at Loews Le Concorde
Hotel in the heart of beautiful Québec City, Québec, Canada. It will be a unique opportunity for those involved in the functionality of
FAV to share ideas and good food, in the great hospitality of our
historic city.

We look forward to meeting with all of you in August 2005.

Yves Desjardins, Chair of the Symposium
Academic Director, INAF

Dr. Bihmu Patil, Co-Chair
Texas A & M University

December 22, 2004

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