[compost_tea] Re moderation

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 19:57:55 -0900
I was asked off list what my criteria is for moderating.  It is simple:
  Ask all the questions you want. Argue all you want. Say anything you
want BUT, do it nicely. I will only stop a message if it is rude and
uncalled for and I will let the poster know my reasoning and the poster
can try again. I will not censor other than this. If there is bad
information being passed on, then we can handle it directly on the

Again, just so it is ABSOLUTELY CLEAR:  No rudeness. Be civilized.
Write and ask whatever you want.


Jeff L

And just so you know, I have recieved 9 emails from folks I have never
heard from on this list who think the system is already working well.

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Received on Thu Jan 06 2005 - 00:50:52 EST

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