Re: [compost_tea] Air - water- compost & nutrient ratios. This may look like a Sunday ad .

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:12:35 -0800 (PST)

Mike - glad information helps. 6+ is the O2 content as read on an O2 meter as 6 mgO2 per liter of ACT while brewing. The Bob's series of brewers will stay above this level when operated with the suggested compost and nutrient loads. We decided that compost was best measured in volume rather than lbs. Moisture content changes the weight without changes in content. Also the amount of water was not related to the amount of air required. The amount of compost and nutrients IS related to the amount of air required And the air must be injected with some consideration for placement and dispersion of the air.
 Air must extract with vigorous agitation of the water surrounding the compost and air must circulate all parts of the water in the brew. Air can be very effective in doing both. Since conditions of temperature, content of compost and timing of action vary, these quantities will give varying results. More comprehensive information is included with Bob's and most brewers.
Quantities Air CFM Compost gallons Kelp cups Humic acid fish
Bitti 1 1 2 2 TBLSP
Bitti Super O2 1.7 1 4 4 1/4 cp
BobO 1.7 2 4 4 1/4 cp
BobO Dble O2 3.4 3 5 5 1/4 cp
BobO500 30 10 16 16 4
BobO1,000 60 15 24 24 6
Bob's CACT cycles that apply to each of the Bob's systems involves more than we should try to talk about here Why is water omitted? Because water quantity can vary greatly. AIR is the critical item related to microbe quantity - growth rate. There are many variable kinds and concentrations in compost. Same for nutrients. An O2 meter is very useful to verify O2 content during every brew. The above rates have stayed in suitable O2 levels In test runs made by Bob's.
Since advertizing is not permitted today I want to include a general statement about other brewers. They will each have loading rates related to the size of the air systems and maybe related to the water content. Since most brewers are built with a fixed water content they relate to water content. Bob's systems allow the water content selected by the buyer, within some limits In testing we found air is related to microbe activity much more than water volume. Some brewer manufactures have premixes that make brewing handy. Several have compost and premixed nutrients that give consistant results. At Bob's we have and are working toward that capability. We and some of our dealers have premixes now for our smaller brewers. In the 500 gallon and 1000 gallon range premixes will be available some day. Like in the early days of automobiles. Until there were roads, automobiles were few.* With brewers education, research, results, demand, financial balance, market demand for
 produce must grow together. Like Dr Elaine says - I Hope this helps. . . .
* Now it feels like if a road is built cars will fill the road, end to end..
Mike Barnett <> wrote:

Found this type of info most useful Bob.
What does the 6+ represent? What unit is that meant to represent please?
Also please post some approximate amount of water and air per lb of compost
with this mix .... I am interested in this.

Newbie brewer. (having MUCH better success with my damping of problems using


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Norsen"
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] kickers and mixers

ONLY LIMIT - make certain that your brewer can keep O2 up in the 6 +
range thruout the brew and until the ACT is applied. Have fun!
> If you want some approximate amount of water and air per lb of compost
with this mix I can give you parameters we have found useful Bob
> Matthew Boeck wrote:

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Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 17:15:47 EST

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