Re: [compost_tea] : non-aerated teas/ Aerated comparrison tests

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:29:33 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Norsen
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] : non-aerated teas/ Aerated comparrison tests

Ted to make this test valid you need more plots, by more people, under more=

Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think I need that level of redundancy=
. To find out if the teas work I don't need 21 of each type. I just need t=
o have similar circumstances, take tests before, during and after and have =
a control area where nothing is done. I don't need more conditions but I n=
eed to document the conditions. I don't need to use brewers from different=
 manufacturers, larger or smaller brewers, bag vs chamber vs free suspensio=
n. I need to use the same or no nutrients and make sure that all the thing=
s I track remain the same for both situations and where there are differenc=
es, track those. I thing the differences will show up both in the plants a=
nd in the soil. Besides, I can't guarantee that anybody else would follow =
the protocol we establish.

Will it be as scientifically accurate as lab tests? Probably not but to dat=
e, I have not seen anyone undertake this type of experiment. You, by the w=
ay, can do your own.

21 0f each type CT might be a real test.

However, since the test isn't valid in your estimation, just disregard any =
posts where I give results. It won't make any differenct to you one way or=
 the other. If you and others feel that stongly about it, I won't post any=
 more references on this list.

Ted Peterson

Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 20:50:42 EST

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