Re: [compost_tea] Hot compost

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 09:30:03 -0900
Hi Judi,
How much tea to put on compost?

WOW, 165 for two weeks and still going!  I would "spray" (actually use
a watering can or something other than a sprayer), 5 to 10 gallons per
cubic yard. We deal with cubic yard boxes of Alaska Humus (not offered
on our website , but available off line) (for those
who don't know, Alaska humus is 10,000 year old, natural compost full
of volcanic ash and 50-60% organics that provide great living quarters
for benefical bacteria and fungi in numbers you won't believe. We test
each batch....this one twice and have 20 tons available. Check out the
website for more information. The stuff makes great tea and has NO e
coli. It is what made the first famous cabbages so large for the Alaska
State Fair) Any more than 5 or 10 gallons and the compost is going to
be awfully wet!

Again, my answer is not predicated on numbers of critters returned to
the compost, but rather the physical nature of the operation! Just my


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Received on Sun Jan 16 2005 - 15:17:09 EST

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