[compost_tea] Re: Fwd: Update from Alliance for Natural Health

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 13:49:29 -0800 (PST)

Dear Members :Vital nutrients that chemicals and pesticides take away from our food, I am convinced Organic foods and supplements can help return. 40 years of use seems to be proving the value of supplements to both of us here at home.
An ANH lawsuit that I have supported to the fullest extent of my financial limitations is aimed to stop the pharma/ FDA/ EU from passing regulations that will terminate your and our freedom to enjoy health with the help of food supplements. The ANH needs support for a major court action Jan 25th 2005 aimed to block the FDA / EU restrictions that will be imposed unless stopped by this ANH action. Please Contribute and snowball this message !!! This is a serious threat to all of us
I tried to forwarded their message but Yahoo won't allow that. You can get their message at info_at_alliance-natural-health.org or if this works, it follows below
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 18:54:38 +0000
From: Alliance for Natural Health
Subject: Update from Alliance for Natural Health
To: bob_at_bnbrew.com


Dear Bob,

The USA is widely regarded as the research and development centre for the natural products industry worldwide. Dietary supplement sales in the US currently comprise around 8.5% the volume of pharmaceutical sales in the US, in contrast with only around 1.5% of total pharmaceutical sales in Europe.

The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 has provided the environment to catapult the natural products industry in the US to its present state. But DSHEA, which was only won after a massive campaign targeting Congress, is now seriously under attack.

Two key reports from the Natural Acadamies of Science Institute of Medicine (IOM) provide the writing on the wall.

One is the CAM report, released 12 January 2005, the other is the proposed dietary supplement evaluation framework, released 1 April 2004.

See ANH news item for our take on the CAM report:

The proposed dietary supplement evaluation scheme switches the burden of proof and puts it squarely on industry - as for pharmaceutical products. The framework places considerable onus on industry to supply data on safety which will be prohibitively expensive for all but the largest manufacturers. It considers safety issues in isolation i.e. there is no concomitant consideration of safety and beneficial effects, the FDA arguing, like the European Commission, that this comparison is valid only for drugs. The IOM framework, as per the EU equivalent, comes into effect gradually, the ‘compliance period’ supposedly giving industry sufficient time to adjust - or expire?

These reports should be the ultimate wake up call for all Americans and other citizens of the world who value their freedom to choose natural products.

Perhaps it is now easier to see how global harmonisation works. The IOM proposals are very similar in effect to the EU Directives which provide such a major threat to the leading-edge of the natural health sector in Europe. It is just that the EU Directives are further down the track and the first of several directives, the Food Supplements Directive, is set to ban some 75% of vitamin and mineral forms as of 1 August 2005 - unless the ANH legal challenge in the European Court of Justice (Luxembourg) succeeds on 25 January.

Please help us by donating now - how much is your health worth?

Thank you.

Alliance for Natural Health



Received on Sun Jan 16 2005 - 20:17:32 EST

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