Re: [compost_tea] Thoughts on peer-review

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:05:21 -0900

No matter what you think your results might have been, they have to be
repeatable to be useful. This is part of the review process,

When we developed the idea of pre activating the fungi in compost, we
tested with Alaska Humus because it always worked due to the always
high numbers of fungi this humus has. We posted the results and and
stressed it worked with Alaska Humus and stressed it needed to be
duplicated with man made composts and vermi compost. People could try
and replicate what we had done with Alaska Humus. Others replicated it
with their compost and now we have a "new" system" that is one of those
drops of knowledge in the bucket you describe. If we had simply claimed
it without being able to replicate it with our own material and have
others do it with theirs, we would only be putting a hole in your
bucket and draining some of the knowledge out....IMHO.


Jeff L
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Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 12:42:48 EST

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