[compost_tea] Jill Clapperton at a no-till conference.

From: notveryhandy <handy_at_swko.net>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 00:59:04 -0000

I know this does not concerncompost tea exactly but it is related.  I
may go to a no till conference in Salina Kansas next week that has as
a speaker: Dr. Jill Clapperton.  Here is a quick bio on her:
Dr. Jill Clapperton is the Rhizosphere Ecologist at the Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge,
Alberta, Canada. She is an internationally respected lecturer
presenting research findings and promoting an understanding of how
soil biology and ecology interact with cropping and soil management
systems to facilitate long-term soil quality and productivity. Her
research group studies soil food webs, nutrient cycling, soil fauna-
plant disease interactions, rhizosphere interactions, and soil
biodiversity. The Rhizosphere Ecology Research Group studies
rangelands, and cropping systems under low-input and organic
management systems emphasizing reduced and no tillage. The aim of
this research is to understand how soils function biologically so we
can effectively manage and benefit from the long-term biological
fertility of our soil.

She likes the use of no-till and has made some statements that I
question.  For example, "No-till soils are more biologically active
and biologically diverse, have higher nutrient loading capacities,
release nutrients gradually and continuously, and have better soil
structure than reduced or cultivated soils."  No-till has some
problems that seem to never get discussed and no tillers like to
ignore those issues. 

It is a no till conference but I thought I may learn a few things
anyway.  My question is does anyone know if she has considered
compost tea or recommends its use? I would not mind spending the
money and time if the speakers are worth it.  More about no-till on
plains conference can be found at notill.org

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Received on Thu Jan 20 2005 - 20:41:23 EST

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