[compost_tea] Re: The chemical world

From: dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 04:34:26 -0000

--- Last year one of my test plots (potential customer) switched
from my ACT to chemicals cause one of the owners wanted to kill
chiggers. The ACT got rid of their brown spots in their lawn before
the chiggers became a problem though. Dennis

In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, "lawnjockeynick" <nick@l...> wrote:
> With needing hours for my commercial applicators license, I went
> the Wilbur Ellis show today. When I would tell people I use
> tea, I was asked if I was one of those who claimed I could thatch
> lawn and aerate it in 30 minutes with one application of compost
> tea.  I told them NO and that anyone who made those accusations
> where selling snake oil. They said that they've been told that
> compost tea kills caterpillars and aphids. We all know there is no
> truth to that. I also explained to them that compost tea is
> basically organisms that go into the soil to help with cycling and
> we still need to do nutrient testing to get our program underway.
> Now, after spending time at that show and hearing these wild
> I can see how so many people are skeptical of our industry - with
> test plots, data or even pictures to back up the REALISTIC and
> beneficial use of compost tea. Nick

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Received on Fri Jan 21 2005 - 04:05:48 EST

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