Re: [compost_tea] Butch, Want to start neophyte thread?

From: butch ragland <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 17:59:24 -0800 (PST)
I think I just sent a post to the group intended to go
directly Tom. I told him in no uncertain terms what I
think of him. If it comes to everyone it was not
intentional and I apologize.
--- "Bobbie, Hugh, Marley & Hoebie" <>

> Butch,
> How about we start a neophyte thread to discuss some
> of the points you
> raised earlier today?  If the gray beards want to
> follow along and add
> their sage advice great, if not there's always the
> delete key.
> Jeff L.,
> Any breach of list etiquette in the above
> suggestion?
> Here's a starting point.
> When using compost tea as a soil drench I look upon
> it as an inoculant
> or seed stock.  I don't envision it "feeding" the
> soil.  Rather, I think
> soil conditions would have to be adequate for the
> continuation of
> microbe matter, aerobic
> conditions, nutrients.  For
> example, would you see much effect spraying tea on
> turf were the soil is
> a heavy compacted clay low in organic matter?  Would
> it be a lasting
> effect?
> Hugh

Butch Ragland
Conflict is as addictive as
cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes,etc
I'm sorry to report that
cooperation is not

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Received on Wed Feb 02 2005 - 21:29:44 EST

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