[compost_tea] Inclusion of clay in compost

From: henry <vanilla_at_racsa.co.cr>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 13:50:36 -0600
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of biodynamics (BD), said that clay is the
mediator between the silica and the calcium polarites.  He also promoted
the use of vocanic basalt  rock powders because of their stored
energetic properties. Since Steiner is  talking about vibrational energy
and fruequencies not visible to the naked eye  conventional agriculture
researchers have a hard time understanding what he is saying. "What you
can't see doesn't exist."  There are  BD compost makers that put a thin
layer of clay on top of the compost pile to act as a skin and make the
pile more like an organism. The clay then gets mixed in during the turning.
Scientific instruments are now available that can measure these types of
frequencies but at present their is limited application in agriculture
because it would going against the grain of the direction that the
commercial orthodox science is going.

Costa Rica

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Received on Tue Feb 08 2005 - 15:44:48 EST

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