[compost_tea] Kelp and Humic acid

From: Daniel Fury <danielfury_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 16:07:03 -0800 (PST)
Im currently using the ground Maxi-crop product to
feed out plants and fungi in the soil.  We do not make
compost tea, but use it and I want to know which Kelp
products would be the best to feed the fungi and the
plants.  I've been learning more about how the
processing of products can make a huge differnce in
its ability to feed microbiology.  Im also looking for
a good humic acid product to help with complexing
chloromine.  Which do you all use?  I will order about
half a gallon of kelp and 1 gallon of humic acid and I
live in California, but I'll order all over the US. 

Also, has anyone noticed any difference between a
dried kelp concentrate vs. a liquid conentrate?  I've
always bought dried because I figured it would store better.

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