Re: [compost_tea] Re: Container growing with ACT/compost material

From: <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 17:00:37 EST

The FIRST TIME you make a compost pile, use a HANDFUL of material from an old
growth system. That way you get the diversity that can survive into the
compost pile.

But please, put the material in at the beginning of the composting process,
so IF any pathogens are in the old growth material (not as old growth as you
thought), the pathogens will be suppressed and prevented from growing. Don't
add the old growth material at teh end of the composting process.

After that, use material from your last compost pile to inoculate the next

We don't want to destroy the tiny bit of old growth we have left in this
world, so please minimize removal of material from that precious resource.


Received on Sun Feb 20 2005 - 23:43:09 EST

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