Re: [compost_tea] active members/research

From: <>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 03:20:53 EST

Might work better if you described what you mean by field testing.
And better to ask any of the SFI advisors near you. They don't read the
compost tea list serve - too busy!!!!! they have done LOTS of field testing.
And really successful too.
Check to SFI website for the advisors' e-mails, ok?

Hi Elaine, Yes thanks I was able to track him down at his new
command post over at Vulcan, Ab. After 6 or 7 weeks I have yet to
hear from anyone with regards to materials testing. I also asked Ted
about dry packaged microbes but have not heard anything from anyone.
Guess that means there's nothing left to test. I was hoping for
something a bit more than nothing. Isn't field testing in the real
field growing environment worth while?
Still open to participation, ideas & suggestions.

John Day

Elaine R. Ingham
Soil Foodweb Inc., Corvallis, Oregon
Soil Foodweb Inc., Port Jefferson, New York
Soil Foodweb Institute, Lismore Australia
Soil Foodweb Institute Cambridge, New Zealand
Laboratorios de Soil Foodweb, Culiacan, Mexico
Soil Foodweb Inc., Jerome, Idaho
Soil Foodweb Inc., South Africa

Received on Sat Feb 26 2005 - 05:54:13 EST

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