[compost_tea] Milk and powdery mildew...

From: Mike Barnett <dreadlox_at_cwjamaica.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 01:09:48 -0600


Hi everyone,

As a remnant of the hurricane and ensuing rains, I have a lot of powdery
mildew to deal with on my stringbeans. I havent started trying CT yet, but
would like to hear of others experiences. Suppose I cannot get the fresh
milk stipulated above, can anyone wager WHAT it is in the milk that
suppresses the fungus? Could it be simply the milky fats/oils? Could I use
somethign else to simulate this in an ACT brew?



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Received on Mon Feb 28 2005 - 03:09:20 EST

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