Re: [compost_tea] Re: Re: My compost

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 12:22:53 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Hickman
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Re: My compost

The only place I can think of is the nursery.Do you think they would have g=
ood compost?


You're getting way off course here. Commercial compost is OK. It will con=
tain bacteria and maybe some fungi. What you don't know is the diversity o=
f the compost. These guys have you running around in circles and you will =
get nowhere. You can use commercial compost to brew tea and it will work j=
ust fine. As I said, if you want more diversity, simply add some stuff fro=
m your local pile and mix it around. If you can't get your own compost, fe=
el free to use commercial stuff. Most of it is reasonably good and some is=
 better than other but we are dealing with ranges of diversity and amounts =
here. I doubt that many people advising you have made compost as consisten=
tly good as the commercial stuff sold in bags. Keep things simple and buil=
d complexity as you become familiar with the processes. If you make it too=
 complex at the beginning, you will only get frustrated. Keep it simple an=
d have fun.

Ted Peterson

Received on Sun Mar 06 2005 - 15:51:58 EST

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