Re: [compost_tea] Inter-bay, manure and continuous extraction

From: butch ragland <>
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 15:38:19 -0800 (PST)
I to am confused, what difference does it make what
the process is called or who called it what. Names or
labels for processes or complicated procedures creates
shorthand for communication purposes. Learned this in
freshman english. Since I posted it to this group
first, what do you think I'm trying to do? Since you
CANNOT know my purpose, I'll answer the question, it
confirmed my personal observations. Now that it has a
name all who know the process by that name can
communicate more efficiently. A bit presumptious of me
to school you in communication shorthand but what the
hell I was just moved to do it.
--- Stephen Steyn <> wrote:

> Greetings:
> I must be missing something but the Inter-Bay
> P-Patch method seems no different to making compost
> any other way with the exception that the pile stays
> mesofilic and that earthworms might do a large
> proportion of the composting.  To tout this as
> some new discovery seems presumptuous.

Butch Ragland
Conflict is as addictive as
cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes,etc
I'm sorry to report that
cooperation is not

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Received on Tue Mar 08 2005 - 23:37:33 EST

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