
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

I'm appreciated your moratorium post- I think it is time for our food
scientists to slow down and stop releasing anything they have been able to
create in their test tubes until at least it has undergone independent
testing by outside agencies and more time has gone by for evaluation. The
voluntary standards set up at the Asilomar conference in 1985 do nothing
to protect the public from "rogue" scientists. 

Perhaps your remarks indicate it should be stopped altogether until we get
a better perspective on what consequences we may invoke.   Responsibility
rests on the shoulders of these genetic technicians for our childrens
future.  It should not be taken lightly.   Recklessness and haste with the
planets gene pool is just plain foolish.  Congress also must bear
responsibility for legislating away any checks and balances for
genetically altered foods or viruses.  I don't feel they were acting in
the publics interest by outlawing labeling.  Gene splicing and species
altering goes far beyond the hybridization and optimal yield techniques
that have advanced modern agriculture.  Genetic splicing and the dangers
from bacteria hosting recombined hybrid DNA should not be treated in the
same light.  Certainly the justifications for many of the altered seeds
are enticing to the agri-busiess communittee- opportunities for use with
narrow band herbicides, longer shelf life, potential for resistance to
pests and disease.  Similar hope was given to nuclear energy.  Yet still
today no one knows how to get rid of the nuclear waste and the chances of
a "genetic Chernoble" are not beyond the range of possibility.

You said:
> Strange new artificial foods never envisaged by nature are already
> appearing in your supermarkets. The effects of these foods are as yet
> fully understood but some have already been devastating for health. In
> case in the U.S. 37 people died and 1500 were left disabled. Other
> products had to be abandoned when they went disastrously wrong. 

I've found examples of new genetically engineered foods about to be
released on other web sites.  Do you have documentation for this case
where 37 people died .. etc..  I've heard of the Fort Detrick, Maryland
laboratory incidents.  This shows how dangerous and how careful even the
studies must be and the need for at least monitoring and regulation.

 I'll check out the Natural Law Party website.  It's important that some
one is bringing the issue forward to the public.  Our government and
industry has failed us on this issue.

"In Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton engages the issue of unanticipated 
(and unanticipatable ) dangers from genetic engineering of animals...
including scientists distancing themselves from ethics through their
ideology and ... the attitude that leads investigators to try things with
out deeply concerning themselves about potential consequences."
Bernard Rollin, "The Frankenstein Syndrome". New York: Cambridge UP, 1995  
