
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

Joe Toth wrote:
> Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is calling for a total moratorium on
> the release of genetically modified
> organisms. At the *very least* any food products containing such materials
> should be clearly labelled so that we can choose what we eat.

Then Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is full of blooming idiots who have 
no conception of the tools of animal and plant improvement.  All, yes every 
single one, of the products we consume today have been genetically modified, 
using selection processes, either natural or accelerated.  By calling for a 
total moratorium, the Naturally Foolish Party is calling for a moratorium on 
all food products.  I suppose all that would be left to eat are some prebiotic 

> Strange new artificial foods never envisaged by nature are already
> appearing in your supermarkets. The effects of these foods are as yet not
> fully understood but some have already been devastating for health. In one
> case in the U.S. 37 people died and 1500 were left disabled. Other
> products had to be abandoned when they went disastrously wrong. But you
> will not know what you are eating because the government has decided that
> labeling of genetically modified foods is not necessary. Your precious
> right to choose what you and your family eats has been lost.

That's right.  It has been lost.  Unless you go hunting for it yourself.  The 
sooner we can abandon modern (or even primitive) agriculture and it's mad 
tendency to keep back the better varieties and animals for breeding stock, and 
return to a hunter-gatherer society, the better we (or at least those who 
survive) will be.  Give me a break.

> Please read the real story behind genetically modified foods at
> http://www.natural-law.org/nlp

This sentence should read:  Please read a bunch of propaganda designed to 
further a political goal by using half-truths, scare tactics, and outright 

Steve Denham

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