
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

In article <jtoth-2807961502470001@wash15.fairfield.com>, Joe Toth
<jtoth@fairfield.com> writes
>Dr John Hagelin's Natural Law Party is calling for a total moratorium on
>the release of genetically modified

I take it that you are aware that, as a genetic modification of your
parents, that you are a genetic modification too?

Of course you may well, and probably do, contain in your genetic makeup
bits of virus and bacteria inherited from the present to right back to
the dawn of life.

And your mitochondria are almost certainly bacterial organells which
divide independently and are thus only inherited from your mother.

And that is before we start considering genetic mutations. Anre you
aware, for example, that 15% of haemophilia cases are due to mutations?

Wheat and maize are natural genetic mutations. In fact, have you the
faintest idea what you are talking about?

'Oz     "When I knew little, all was certain. The more I learnt,
        the less sure I was. Is this the uncertainty principle?"

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