
EcoVillage at Ithaca 2nd neighborhood forming

E c o V i l l a g e  a t  I t h a c a 
          is pleased to announce 
            the formation of a 
         Second Neighborhood Group

 The kickoff meeting was a success on 8/3/96!
Next meeting to be held on Labor Day wknd 8/31 & 9/1!

*The first neighborhood (30 energy efficient CoHo units) is currently under construction!
  (There is a waiting list)
*WestHaven Farm is growing organic produce on the EVI land.

187 acre former farm on the edge of the progressive college town of Ithaca in central NY state.

* Five neighborhoods clustered around a village green
* Each neighborhood at least as community-oriented as Danish CoHousing
* Develop a model of sustainable development as an alternative to suburban sprawl
* Educational outreach

EcoVillage at Ithaca website:   

Contact Liz Walker for details:
   phone:  (607)255-8276  
   email:  ecovillage@cornell.edu

* sustainable agriculture & housing development * permaculture * cohousing * energy efficiency *