
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

: >Tony Tsakiris of Ford promptly published the heating value
: >of methane and octane, showing that methane contains
: >substantially more energy/mass than octane.  This
: >was completely lost on charliew.

charliew (charliew@hal-pc.org) wrote:
: OK, jerk.  I speculated on this one and was wrong.  There, I 
: admit it.  Are you happy now?


: No.  The correct conclusion is that I don't take 
: "assignments" from a pompous asshole like you.  Do your 
: owned damned homework, fool.

  It occurs to me that the person who "speculated" and was wrong - the 
person using the terms "jerk" and "pompus asshole" to refer to the 
individual who was correct, is truly the jerk and pompus asshole here.

  Funny how it usually works out that way.
