
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

charliew (charliew@hal-pc.org) wrote:
: In article <4u3avt$su3@condor.ic.net>,
:    All locked up and nowhere to go <cage@critech.com> wrote:
: >charliew@hal-pc.org (charliew) wrote:
: Oh, gee.  Another guy in the world who knows something about 
: process control!
: I made no assumptions in my statements.  I was trying to 
: point out that a long time constant by itself is not 
: necessarily detrimental.  Whether a system as large as the 
: atmosphere can be substantially affected over a 1 year time 
: interval is open to debate, and something that I consider to 
: be merely a matter of your opinion. 

Krakatoa, Pinatubo......
   Large impact craters.....
        Full scale nuclear war....

Short impulse events.  Large atmospheric consequences.

Disproof by example.

Wrong again Charlie....

Josh Halpern 
However, even if I 

 : assume that this is true, a time constant this short implies 
: that we can also move the atmosphere an equal amount in the 
: opposite direction in the same 1 year period.  So, where's 
: the problem here?

Recovery period is substantially longer

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