
Re: Moratorium Called on Genetically Modified Foods

Larry Caldwell wrote:

> > Nothing wrong with genetically improved food - noone is breeding Triffids
> > you know - get over the paranoia and get some proper information.
> Yup.  I tried to think of one common food that is not genetically
> modified.  I came up with wild rice, and I'm not sure about that.

No paranoia, just two important points:

1. Genetic engineering dramatically interferes with the natural 
mutation processes which caused improvements to our food plants 
for centuries. Gene splicing canNOT be compared to natural 
mutation in terms of stability or safety. It's like comparing 
regular photography to x-rays.

2. The corporations behind these new "mutivars" are lobbying 
Congress and the EU to prevent these experimental foods from 
being labelled as such - in other words, they want to overcome 
market resistance by keeping you ignorant, by not offering you a 
choice. Rather than convincing you the technology is safe (which 
should be easy if it's the truth, no?) they want to take the 
decision out of your hands. Your health may be held hostage to 
their desire for profit.  And THAT stinks.


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