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WHEN:  June 18-20, 1999

WHERE:  Ash Grove Community Farm, Corning NY

WHAT:    Rotating hands-on workshops taught by small farmers and
professionals in specialties such as carpentry and writing,
at a small farm where it is happening.

Field Shelters
Dairy, Pack, and Harness Goats
Grants -- Writing, Winning, and Living With
CSA Creation & Maintenance
Organic gardening
Garden structures
Old house repair
Making herbal products
Alliances and Private-label sales
Farm markets
Market gardening (a subset of organic gardening)
Instant garden with permanent raised beds
Agritainment & Agrotourism
Animal rescue

Supervised children's program with games, explorations, and
crafts, they may also attend any workshop with their own
pet adult.

Field trips to a meat goat farm, Draper Super Bee Apiary, a goat dairy, a
monastery sheep operation, a cement statue manufacturer, a u-pick strawberry
farm (ice cream, anyone?) and a very successful diversified
farm/greenhouse/ice cream parlor business.

If it's worth an extra $10 to enough folks, I can hire my friend Ed and his
team to take y'all on the one-hour "around the block" tour with some
spectacular views across the Endless Mountains and Tioga River Valley.  He
requires $300 for an afternoon (includes all of the exhorbitant insurances).

If we get at least ten (and they have room), accommodations will be at Watson
Homestead Conference and Retreat Center near Corning.  If they're full by the
time we get their minimum number assembled, we'll find someplace else -- we're
blessed with quite a few options in the area!

HOW MUCH:  $200 with meals and hotel-type accommodations 
Fri. & Sat. nights
$150 with meals and hotel-type accommodations 
Sat. night only
$100 with meals if you find your own accommodations
$50 if you find your own accommodations 
and provide own meals

Limited partial and full scholarships available for folks
who help with setup, gophering, young people's
program, and cleanup. $100 deposit required ASAP to reserve accommodations if that option is

Profits from this weekend (if any) go toward the filing fees to make this farm
a formal licensed  501(c)3 educational organization.  We're putting a lot of 
effort into education (it's really our main "crop"), and all of our money gets
poured back into the farm, so this new business status seems appropriate!

Dori Green
Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living
Corning, NY



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