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New AgricultureLaw.com Web Site

	AgricultureLaw.com is an exciting new web site devoted to providing the
most complete source of information and ideas on agricultural policy and to
reporting daily news on agricultural issues.  We are not advancing a
particular viewpoint -- we seek to encourage dialogue and sharing of
agriculture-related information from a diverse spectrum of perspectives
from all responsible parties. 

	On this site, users will get direct access to agriculture laws, policies
and trade agreements -- as well as extensive descriptions and commentary.
Users will have the opportunity for direct participation in a spirited
debate about today's hottest agricultural policy topics.  

	We have linked to your web site and encourage you to review our site at
"www.AgricultureLaw.com".  We request that you provide a reciprocal link to
our site, which may be described as follows:

		AgricultureLaw.com - the web site dedicated to providing farmers and
ranchers with the most complete source of information and ideas on
agricultural policy.   
	We also want to ensure that we have properly described your organization,
and if it is not yet described, we ask that you provide us with a
description.  In addition, please let us know if we have placed your web
site under the most appropriate heading or category within our web site. 

	We welcome your suggestions for improving the information provided on our
web site.  Please direct your comments by e-mail to
"info@agriculturelaw.com" or by telephone to Heather McConagha at (202)

Richard Pasco
General Manager