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PLEASE DISTRIBUTE: National Town Meeting

Sanet colleagues:

We're into the final push towards the National Town Meeting in Detroit.
Please distribute this notice to all interested parties.  Note that groups
of 5 can register at a reduced fee until April 8 (new deadline).  This would
save $75 per person (off the $250 single fee).

Let's be sure that sustainable agriculture has broad representation at this
National Town Meeting for Sustainable Development.

Once registered, stop by the USDA display area to visit the SAN exhibit!

My apologies for cross-postings,and please continue to distribute widely to
your networks.

Andy Clark, Coordinator
Sustainable Agriculture Network

National Meeting on Sustainability

You're invited to attend the National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America
on May 2-5 in Detroit, Michigan.  The purpose of the meeting is simple:
assist communities, businesses, and individuals find sustainable ways to
achieve economic, environmental and social goals.

The conference will feature over 130 learning sessions to encourage a 'roll
up your sleeves' approach to solving problems. Topics run from engaging kids
in community problem solving, to disaster recovery as an opportunity to
promote sustainable communities, to a session on natural capitalism: the
next industrial revolution.

In addition, the meeting will cover proven "smart growth" initiatives;
corporate innovations in manufacturing; and outstanding real-life examples
from across the country -- all designed to foster sustainability and enhance
the livability of our communities.

The meeting is sponsored by the President's Council on Sustainable
Development and the Global Environment Technology Foundation. For more
information, please visit the National Town Meeting website at
[http://www.sustainableamerica.org] or call toll-free at: 1-888-333-6878. 

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