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Hey Larry:

Hope all is well with you these days.  

First off, I want to apologize for not replying to several messages you
sent me over the past couple of months.  I checked my Pine mail for the
first time in ages.  I had thought that my webgroup mail and other mail
sent to my metalab address was being forwarded to me at this address.  At
least it was at one point.  But somehow it reverted with no action by me.
Oh well.

I haven't had much time to put into Sustainable Farming Connection lately,
much less keep up with the webgroup mail.  I've added the occasional link
and I keep adding a couple of newsletters on a monthly basis.  But I just
haven't had the time to do what I'd like to do with it.  Despite being
dated and not maintained terribly well, it's getting more hits than ever.

Part of my lack of effort on the site has been that I've been doing work
that actually pays a little.  My son starts college in the fall and the
cash flow crunch is going to hit here sooner rather than later.  Also, I've
been sick for about three months now.  Nothing life threatening.  But it's
really limited my office time.

I tried uploading a few revised pages today and something screwed up.  The
file sizes don't match, and depending on what browser I use, I either get
no text (just the background) or I get a truncated page.  Guess I'll just
try it again later and see if it takes.  If you have a chance, check out
these pages and see what you get:


Figures.  It's two of the pages that I get a lot of hits on.

Anyway, keep me posted on what you're up to.  I did check out your Lyris
discussion groups way back when, but didn't see any activity on them.   I
still think that there are online tools out there to get farmers networking
better.  Unfortunately, it just hasn't quite come together anywhere yet, at
least not that I can see.

Keep up the good work and keep me posted.


Craig Cramer

1,000 Ways to Sustainable Farming

Sustainable Farming Connection