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The organic farming myth

A collegue was cleaning out some files and recently dropped an
old paper on my desk. For those with an interest in the history
of organic farming, I think you will enjoy having a look. It reads
like something that might have inspired a young Mr. Avery. The
original has been added to EAP's "propaganda" file.

We do not have a date for the paper, but think it may have been
written during the 1950's or early 1960's. Perhaps someone at
Kansas State might be able to help out.

The document can be found on the EAP Web Site at:


I have included here the first two paragaphs from the paper. They
provide a fairly good indication of the author's point of view.

John Henning, Ecol. Agr. Projects
McGill University,
H9X 3V9
VOX: 514-398-7826/7820
FAX:         8130
by R.I.Throckmorton
Dean, Kansas State College

In recent years there has grown up in this country a cult of
misguided people who call themselves "organic farmers" and who
would - if they could - destroy the chemical fertilizer industry
on which so much of our agriculture depends.

These so-called organic farmers preach a strange, two-pronged
doctr1ne compounded mainly of pure superstition and myth, with
just enough half-truth, pseudo science and emotion thrown in to
make their statements sound plausible to the uninformed.

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