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Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:31:58 -0400
To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
From: Judy Green <jg16@cornell.edu>
Subject: NETSN WebSite

The Northeast Training and Support Network for Agriculture Development
website is now  up and running. It contains over 30 agriculture development
project profiles from all around the Northeast region -  quite an
impressive body of work! Many thanks to Joan Padula here at FAP for putting
it all together, and to Maureen Maloney Robb for organizing the Profiles.

To get to it, go to the Farming Alternatives Program website:


Click on Northeast Training and Support Network.
Scroll to the bottom of the first screen and click on project Profiles or
Project Overviews (short summaries)

We welcome your ideas for further developing the site. We will begin to add
key linkages soon. Suggestions welcome.

Judy Green

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