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The Road to Seattle

The Road to Seattle: Citizens Shaping the Global Trade Agenda

Announcing the publication of a free electronic news bulletin that will
highlight events, meetings, forums, and other planning activities during
the buildup to the World Trade Organization's Third Ministerial meeting, to
be held November 29 - December 4, 1999, in Seattle, USA.  

"The Road" will inform you about the meetings and activities of government
ministers and their negotiators throughout the course of this year.  It
will also closely track the plans of citizens groups, labor unions, church
organizations, environmentalists, farmers, small businesses and others as
they come together to strategize and plan for their role in the trade talks.

To subscribe to The Road to Seattle, send an email to listserv@iatp.org.
In the body of the message write: subscribe road_to_seattle. The full text
searchable archives to this and other news bulletins produced by IATP can
be viewed on the World Wide Web at: http://www.newsbulletin.org. 

Submissions to the Road to Seattle should be sent to Renske van Staveren
at: rvanstaveren@iatp.org, or faxed to Renske at: (1) 612-870-4846.
Ms. Renske van Staveren, Coordinator
International Forum on Food & Agriculture (IFA)
c/o Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)	
2105 First Avenue South					
Minneapolis, MN, USA  55404-2505		
ph: 612-870-3423       fax: 612-870-4846
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act." – George Orwell 

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"unsubscribe sanet-mg".  If you receive the digest format, use the command
"unsubscribe sanet-mg-digest".
To Subscribe to Digest: Email majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
"subscribe sanet-mg-digest".

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