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Re: chicken thread (sad lament)

Martha Wells wrote:

>We live in a very rural area and more and more folk are putting in chicken 
>factories. Breaks my heart. Drive by on a remotely warm day and you can 
>smell the horrid stench of hot, dying chickens. People complain that they 
>can't sit out on their porches anymore because of the neighbors chicken 
>sheds. In Bryan (Tx) Sanderson Farms put in a large processing plant and is 
>encouraging farmers to put up brooder / broiler houses...

Dear SANET and Martha,

Thank you for bringing up this very important point.  This concentration of
farming in corporate hands is the major threat to sustainability facing
agriculture today, all over the world (even in Russia and Third World
Countries).  The US poultry industry is the epitome of "contract
agriculture". Around 86% of poultry farms and 89% of the value of poultry
production are contracted;  five corporations control the production of
around 226 million pounds of "poultry meat" per week.  If you would like to
hear how bad things really are from folks who are actually trapped in the
system, take a look at this web page:


Personally, though I am not a vegetarian, I will not eat this chicken. I
consider it a major health threat to humans and I am saddened by the state
of our country when defenders of corporate agriculture try and tell us this
stuff is "safe". I don't think it's even edible. (Did you ever see a movie
called "Solyent Green"?).  But then I'm getting old and irrascible, like
Bargyla, who thinks the whole wicked system is about to crash to ground!


Ronald Nigh
Dana, A.C.
Mexico, D.F. & San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
Tel. y FAX  525-666-73-66 (DF)
	  529-678-72-15 (Chiapas)

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