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insect urls


Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 00:49:51 -0500
To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
From: "Michelle M. Miller" <mmmille6@facstaff.wisc.edu>
Subject: insect urls
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IPMnet just listed these URLs for sites where you can view insects for
identification and management.  If you are interested in IPM (all pests,
chem/ non-chem, local/international) you might want to look into this
free listserve:  IPMnetNUZ.  m3

MITE SITE    For a close-up view of, and background information about,
             numerous mite species, there is the "Mite Image Gallery"
at: <http://www.uq.edu.au/entomology/mite/mitetxt.html>.  The site is locat-
ed on the Univ. of Queensland (Australia) server and is the result
of work by D.E. Walter and colleagues.  FMI: D.E. Walter, Dept. of
Entomology, Univ. of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA.
E-mail: <d.walter@mailbox.uq.edu.au>. Fax: 61-7-3365-1922.
Phone: 61-7-3365-1564.  <#>
ELECTRONIC IPM TEXT LAUDED    A committee of professional entomologists and
nematologists at the Univ.
of Florida, USA, has awarded a coveted "Best of the Bugs" award to
RADCLIFFE'S IPM WORLD TEXTBOOK website for providing "an excellent
electronic textbook on Integrated Pest Management." The award is
only given to those insect- or nematode-related websites judged to
be among the top 5 percent. Radcliffe's site, partially sponsored
by the Consortium for International Crop Protection, is located at:
<http://IPMworld.umn.edu/textbook.htm>.   <#>
MORE INSECT WEBSITES     A scientist at the Univ. of Idaho (USA) has
                         established several websites concerning in-
sect identification and management. One <http://info.ag.uidaho.edu/keys>
offers field keys to damaging stages of insects commonly attacking
field crops in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The information is also
available as a publication and is soon to be released in CD format.
FMI: R. Stoltz, Univ. of Idaho, PO Box 1827, Twin Falls, ID 83303-
1827, USA.  E-mail: <bstoltz@uidaho.edu>.  Phone: 1-208-736-3618.  <#>
IMPROVED WEB SITE    The Berkeley, California-based Bio-Integral
                     Resource Center, publisher of both the respected
vised its website <http://www.birc.org> to improve its user friendliness and
increase the amount of information thereon.  FMI: BIRC, PO Box 7414,
Berkeley, CA 94707, USA.  E-mail: <BIRC@igc.apc.org>.

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