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New Progressive Website

Dear Sir or Madam,

I thought you would be interested in checking out a new online resource
for political progressives called www.ProgressivePubs.com

Here’s what we’ve got already:

    - An online database of more than 500 progressive foundations, which
you can use for free to find out about their funding priorities, program
officers, trustees, and contact information.

    - A bookstore featuring books, studies, and reports produced by
progressive nonprofits, where you can do one-stop shopping on hot
political issues.  (If you belong to an organization that wants help
marketing all that good work you’ve got sitting on the shelf, let us

In addition, we’re developing – hopefully, with your assistance – online
databases of progressive professors, politicians, and organizations.

Please visit us at www.ProgressivePubs.com

You can also reach us by phone (202-238-0010), fax (202-238-0011), or
mail (P.O. Box 11335, Washington, DC  20008).  Other details about
ProgressivePubs can be found on our web site.

                     - Tad Williams, Marketing Director

P.S. – In case you’re wondering, we got your e-mail address from one of
the multiple-address e-mails we’ve received in recent months about one
progressive cause or another.  This is a one time announcement (we hate
spamming as much as you do!).

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