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Re: Permaculture FAQ update; news

I've put a link to this site on the relevant page of my web site


Steve Diver wrote:

> Soon (August-September period) I will start updating the
> "Introduction to Permaculture:  Concepts and Resources"
> publication from ATTRA, located at:
> http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/perma.html
> This is the publication and resource list that is still
> commonly referred to as The Permaculture FAQ.
> So if you have tips, suggestions updates, resources etc.
> you think will be useful please send them to me.
> I will be away for 3-weeks while traveling in Russia working
> with veggie farmers, so I am logging off until at least mid-July
> to reduce email overload.
> Steve Diver
> steved@attra.org
> http://www.attra.org
> ---
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Jeffrey Newman

My personal web site is at     http://www2.bcinternet.net/~newman/Jeffrey.htm
My ICQ number is: 9879310

When you're swimmin' in the creek
      And an eel bites your cheek
      That's a moray!
      -- Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

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