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farmer/water utility workshop

Dear agricultural and environmental activists,

Please consider attending our workshop on cooperative agreements between farmers and drinking water providers. The workshop is part of our promotion of multifunctional agriculture -- in addition to food, agriculture can provide clean water, clean air, employment, viable rural economies, a buffer to suburban sprawl, and attractive landscapes. Recognizing these other functions can benefit the farmer and our communities.

Several people from the water supplier, agricultural, and environmental communities will gather to discuss the benefits and risks of farmer-led watershed initiatives. Examples from the Netherlands, New York City/Catskills, Columbus, and Des Moines will be explored. The workshop will take place on July 26 & 27 in Columbus, Ohio. See our website at http://www.iatp.org/watershed Please contact me with questions, suggestions, or to register.


Creating Incentives for Farmer-led Source Water Protection

A Workshop on Cooperative Agreements between
Drinking Water Providers and Farmers

July 26-27, 1999
Fawcett Center at Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

Sponsored by the American Water Works Association and the
Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy

To register or for more information, go to www.iatp.org/watershed or

Mark Muller
Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy
2105 First Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Phone: (612) 870-3420
Fax: (612) 870-4846
Email: mmuller@iatp.org

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