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Agroforestry Resources

An announcement of some Agroforestry Resources:

The USDA National Agroforestry Center located in Lincoln NE has announced 
the availability of new resource materials. Information and education on 
agroforestry is of value in NY's educational programs addressing issues 
related to agricultural and food systems sustainability. These materials 
are available at no cost. The center has a newsletter entitled 
"Agroforestry Notes." A publication entitled "Agoforestry for Farms and 
Ranch" is a 26 page technical note describing the use of tree and shrub 
practices in agricultural land use settings. A new series of brochures has 
also been released: Working Trees for Agriculture, Working Trees for 
Livestock, Working Trees for Wildlife and Working Trees for Communities. To 
obtain more information about the center, its publications, or to order 
publications visit the Center's Web Site at http://www.unl.edu/nac or
Nancy Hammond, USDA National Agroforestry Center, East Campus-UNL, Lincoln, 
NE 68583-0822; FAX 402-243-5712 phone 402-437-5178 ext 24. 
Jim VanKirk 
Facilitator for IPM Activities 
Northeast Region 
Education Center 
248 Grant Ave. 
Auburn, NY 13021-1495 
315-255-1187 fax 
email: jvankirk@cce.cornell.edu 
Check out the web site, IPM in the Northeast Region, at 

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