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Electronic version of Pesticide Poisoning Manual


As many of you know, the new version of "Recognition and Management of
Pesticide Poisonings" (previously known as the "Morgan manual") has been
made available by U.S. EPA in hardcopy form.  Now, I am happy to announce,
the manual has been made available in electronic form (in PDF format) by
the National Pesticide Telecommunications Network.  It is available from
the NPTN home page at -


or directly at -


I hope that you find this useful, and I would appreciate your comments
about how the electronic version can be made more useful.  NPTN plans to
provide further enhancements, e.g., as hyperlinking, in the near future.

Terry Miller

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	  Terry Miller - Professor &
                         Director, National Pesticide 
                            Telecommunications Network

    Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
    Ag Chemistry Extension		
    Oregon State University		Email: millert@ace.orst.edu
    333 Weniger				Phone: 541/737-1811
    Corvallis, OR 97331-6502		FAX:   541/737-0761

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