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PANUPS: Resource Pointer #212

Pesticide Action Network Updates Service

Resource Pointer #212

June 30, 1999

For copies of the following resources, please contact the appropriate 
publishers or organizations directly.

*Greenpeace International's Genetic Engineering Campaign Website* 
http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng Provides information on 
genetically engineered food, artificial organisms, patents on life, and 
biosafety protocol. Includes press releases and updates on recent events 
with links to official documents and other related texts.

*Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of 
Your Food, 1999* Video. Britt Bailey and Marc Lappi. Introduces 
scientific, political, and economic concerns about genetic engineering 
of crops. Discusses corporate control of genetic resources, implications 
for food security, popular resistance to genetic engineering of crops and 
more. Includes three page summary of 160 pp. book by the same name. 
13 minutes. Individuals/nonprofits US$29.95, 
schools/libraries/corporations US$59.95. Contact The Video Project, 
200 Estates Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005, phone (800) 4planet, fax 
(831) 336-2168, email videoproject@videoproject.org, website 

*Food for Thought, 1999* Video. Ed Schehl and Katherine Knight. 
Explores ethical problems, consumer choice and labeling issues, 
patenting and ownership and other concerns related to genetic 
engineering of crops. Features interviews with PANNA's Monica 
Moore, organic farmers and others. 30 minutes. Individuals/nonprofits 
US$29.95, schools/libraries/corporations US$69.95. Contact The Video 
Project, 200 Estates Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005, phone 800-4planet, 
fax 831-336-2168, email videoproject@videoproject.org, website 

*Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology, 1999* 
Brewster Keen. Critiques philosophy underlying genetic engineering in 
agriculture. Chapters cover individual crops, milk production, 
regulatory policy in Canada, popular resistance to genetic engineering 
and more. Includes appendix explaining basic science of genetic 
engineering. 240 pp. US$16.95, Can$19.95. Contact New Society 
Publishers, P.O. Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC VOR 1XO, Canada, 
website http://www.newsociety.com

*Say No to Genetically Engineered Food, 1998* Provides detailed 
information on ecological, health, ethical, and socioeconomic concerns 
associated with genetically engineered foods. Discusses worldwide 
nutrition needs, impacts on women, intellectual property rights, and 
more. Covers opposition to genetic engineering in Asia, Europe, and 
US. Available as part of Safe Food Campaign Kit including two fact 
sheets, bibliography, and poster. US$15. 110 pp. Contact Pesticide 
Action Network (PAN) Asia and the Pacific, P.O. Box 1170, 10850 
Penang, Malaysia, phone (604) 657-271 or 656-0381, fax (604) 657-
7445, email panap@panap.po.my, website 

We encourage those interested in having resources listed in the 
PANUPS Resource Pointer to send review copies of publications, 
videos or other resources to our office.

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
49 Powell St., Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
Phone: (415) 981-1771
Fax: (415) 981-1991
Email: panna@panna.org
Web: www.panna.org

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