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Sustainable Agriculture Photography

	More than three years ago I had the opportunity to begin a creative
partnership with a talented black and white photographer from Washington
DC, Cynthia Vagnetti, who had been traveling across America documenting the
people working on the land. She captured their voices and images and worked
across the sustainable agriculture community in the Midwest and western
states. Our combined interests led us to a multi-year project starting on
the road in 1998, People Sustaining the Land. This project has taken us
through 38 states driving more than 50,000 miles and interacting with more
than 27 farm and ranch familes over two to three visits from coast to coast. 
 	The first glimpse of a portion of work and some of Cynthia's early work
is now avalable at The Digital Journalist website: 
This award-winning site is the creation of Time Magazine Senior White House
Photographer, Dirck Halstead. We are particularly pleased and honored to be
featured in the July edition of the The Digital Jounalist, and to bring our
message and work in sustainable agriculture to an even wider audience.

Look,see,and hear the messages of a sustainable agriculture by the people
on the land....

Jerry DeWitt
Iowa State University

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