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Fw: Fw: buying local

Hi again,
    Sorry for that incomplete message before. I had left out the web site of
(what sounds like) a VERY SUCCESSFUL Coop. Their site is bloomingfoods.org .
I think it's worth the time to check it out.
Go With God,

Emily, my e-mail again is ps@erinet.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Emily Young <emily_e_young@hotmail.com>
To: ps@erinet.com <ps@erinet.com>
Date: Thursday, August 05, 1999 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: buying local

>I am not sure if it is just on my browser but the coop site that you
>is not listed in the message. Would you mind e-mailing it to me again?
>>From: "Paul Schmitmeyer" <ps@erinet.com>
>>To: "Sanet" <sanet-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu>
>>Subject: Fw: buying local
>>Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 09:38:27 -0400
>>Hi all,
>>     On this note it hits me home as well also. We are not having much
>>success in our home town as well. We have a community farmers market in
>>first year and things are  a little slow. I don't do any direct marketing
>>yet but this is the report I am getting.
>>     I recommend visiting the following Coop site. Seems like they are
>>it work.
>>After viewing this please give me your views.
>>Go with God
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: lmbauer@unlnotes.unl.edu <lmbauer@unlnotes.unl.edu>
>>To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu <sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu>
>>Date: Wednesday, August 04, 1999 10:59 AM
>>Subject: buying local
>> >This conversation hits home in Lincoln, Nebraska. I'm on the board of
>> >for our local natural foods cooperative, Open Harvest, and we're
>> >setting policy statements that will direct buying habits of our general
>> >Ideally, we want to go local. There are rumors that a Whole Foods is
>> >town, and we think our push for local foods will not only be healthier
>> >community, but also that it will give us a marketing edge over Whole
>> >
>> >However, we have two farmers on our board, and just last night they were
>> >about the difficulties in marketing directly to the retail sector.
>> >conventional marketing structures are well-oiled, "efficient" machines,
>> >"alternative" marketing lacks infrastructure, at least in our area. Our
>> >farmers highlighted distribution, farmers' marketing skills and consumer
>> >education as some areas needing attention. We need a food broker for
>> >products, more training for farmers doing direct marketing and a
>> >education campaign, among other things.
>> >
>> >I am wondering if anyone else is involved in locally owned food
co-ops --
>> >selling to them, buying from them, or directing them -- and if you would
>> >your experiences. Has your local food co-op contributed to a local food
>> >if so how?
>> >
>> >I also work for SARE, and our office in the North Central region is
>> >marketing conference to address these issues and others. The conference
>>will be
>> >held Nov. 19-20 in Lincoln. See www.unl.edu/conted/acpp/sare for more
>> >me your address if you'd like to receive registration materials.
>> >
>> >Thank you,
>> >Lisa
>> >
>> >
>> >---------------------- Forwarded by Lisa M Bauer/ard/IANR/UNEBR on
>> >08:55 AM ---------------------------
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Martha Wells <flylo@txcyber.com> on 08/04/99 07:35:46 AM
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > To:      "sanet-mg-digest@ces.ncsu.edu"
>> >          <sanet-mg-digest@ces.ncsu.edu>
>> >
>> > cc:      (bcc: Lisa M Bauer/ard/IANR/UNEBR)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Subject: buying local
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >I rarely post to this group but thought this might be of some personal
>> >interest. Here in Bryan Tx, the local 'greengrocer' Mike Scarmado (Farm
>> >Patch) WILL go out of his way to buy organic produce and tries to buy
>> >local. they also have a large warehouse off-site that receives truckload
>> >shipments. They also have a whole valley full of their own farmlands,
>> >growing (commercially) quite a bit of area produce themselves. when we
>> >approached him about buying organic produce he was agreeable. The daily
>> >EARLY shipments come in, he selects the produce, organic first usually,
>> >will pay a slight premium for quality organic produce. IF you hit his
>> >office after daybreak though, he'll still try to buy your harvest but if
>> >his OG quota is filled for the day, it goes in at regular prices.
>> >I'm not taking up for Whole Foods but I do understand how a large grocer
>> >would need to have a chain of commitment and the local growers normally
>> >aren't prepared for the turnover they need. If they toss out a mega
>> >contract for a seasonal local grower, the contract seller probably won't
>> >try to renew the contract. I know Grocer's Supply has control over many
>> >the small grocery stores and restaurants in the area. If a local tomato
>> >grower comes to them and wants to sell his produce, if GS finds out,
>> >have been known to pull their whole vegetable contract from the grocer.
>> >Again, I'm not taking up for Whole Foods but if you intend to go to the
>> >news folk with the way they conduct their business, best to see the
>> >from all angles.
>> >martha, Flylo Farms, (Texas)
>> >http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/5505/
>> >
>> >
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