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Farmers market info URL

Howdy, all--

Darth Cheezer and I have been working on the last touches to the 
Hawaii Web site (the combination farm tour/volcano/Leonid adventure 
of last November on the Big Island)...and trying to learn more about 
cherimoya fruits (soursops). Which we literally ran into--squish--all 
over the island. He dug up a URL that I thought might interest those 
of you who followed the farmers market information thread here 


Some intriguing information here, as well as a very nice interface. 
The site's sensibility is quite urban/urbane...but those of you 
watching consumer trends for direct marketing could find it 

Unfortunately, the thing was apparently developed for sale, and it 
doesn't look like it's been updated recently. Who would buy it? I 
don't know...I'm not sure what the product is, to be honest (what 
does one buy when one buys a Web site of this nature?), but I don't 
want to digress.

I learned from this site that Calif. direct-marketing farmers are 
producing quail, duck, and goose eggs for sale...and apparently 
there's an eager market. Hm. Perhaps I could go into the peach-faced 
lovebird egg biz. I'll inform my two little males (Pasha and Squirt) 
about that, and see what they think.   :^]

Michele Gale-Sinex
Communications manager
Center for Integrated Ag Systems, UW-Madison
UW voice mail:		608-262-8018
Home office:		415-504-6474 (504-MISH)
Home office fax:		Same as above, phone first for enabling
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BORSCHT-O-PLENTY, I give them a big zero. Keep in mind that
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