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Re: Current SA materials for wide general public

Hi John, I am stealing this web page from a recent post to this list.  I
have not checked it yet but from the info in the post is sounds like it
might have some stuff you are interested in www.nfm-online.com/   Type in
CSA(Community Supported Agriculture) into a search engine and you'll get a
few pages pick a definition you like  Same for compost grazing etc.  Since
you need it for tomorrow just give a quick peek, throw a bit of info on your
paper include the web page addresses you like, save flashy info for when you
have more time to get it ready.  Good luck with your harp playing, Beth
-----Original Message-----
From: John Lozier <jlozier@wvu.edu>
To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu <sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu>
Date: Friday, August 20, 1999 2:07 PM
Subject: Current SA materials for wide general public

>I'll be playing my harp at a farm celebration tomorrow near Grantsville,
>MD, and right now I'm wishing for a bright and timely kind of sustainable
>ag info sheet that I could distribute to the general public.  Brief,
>up-beat, timely.  Does anyone have such a thing?  Or can I find something
>to download from the web?
>My concept is to have one sheet, two sides, nice graphics, big print.  Bite
>sized items, but solid and sourced.  Front side would have hot current
>stuff like the GE, Codex Alimentarius, growth of organic market, etc.  Back
>side has background info that doesn't need to change in 3 weeks or 3
>months: compost, grazing, CSA's, etc.  The key thing for me is to make it
>encouraging, hopeful, not polemic.  Pointed, but still respectful of the
>diversity of views in a small community.
>Okay, I probably should be able to distill what I want from the ongoing
>stream of info.  But there's so much!  Please wing me your reply, whether
>citing web pages, or suggesting items, or telling your story.  Maybe I can
>actually put something out this afternoon!  But if it can't be done by
>tomorrow, that's okay.  I'm still going to need this in days and weeks to
>John Lozier
>harper for harmony with nature through ecological farming
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