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Re: Pc on line FAQ dif between Pc and Org. farmer.

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:13:08 +0000, in alt.permaculture Alan Gould
<alan@agolincs.demon.co.uk> wrote:

>In article <7y%X3.3121$MZ.24013@ozemail.com.au>, Wesley Trotman
><trotmanw@camtech.net.au> writes
>>Ill throw this in for discussion,
>>organic farming operates under very rigid constraints as to what fertilizers
>>and cides which can be used on the land. These standards are usually decided
>>by the organic farming associations who issue certification. Where as a
>>permie can use materials of his/her choice providing it meets the ethics of
>>Pc. Is the particular practice harmless to  the planet and is it
>>sustainable/ Are two major questions that should be asked. Some times an
>>assesment has to be made on a longer term view, an energy use or cide used
>>now will achieve a long term position were the use is not required.
>Organic standards are a very contentious issue among those who discuss
>them. In actual gardening practice they are a simple matter of following
>the course of nature as far as possible. 
>The rigid constraints you refer to are those set down for commercial
>growers. They are to protect consumers and are evolved at EU level.
>Food cannot legally be sold as 'organic' unless it complies with them.
>[I write as a UK gardener, but similar standards apply elsewhere]
>Recreational gardeners, Pc or no, are free to choose their own standards
>of organic ethics. If someone decides to use pesticides or chemicals
>etc. instead of organic methods, then still call it organic gardening
>they only have their own consciences to answer to. 
>If guidance is needed, either the commercial standards laid down by the
>Soil Association, or the recreational standards suggested by HDRA are
>available. These matters are discussed in full detail at:
>Organic Gardening by Alan Gould
><mailto:faq@nugget.demon.co.uk?subject=send organic_gardening>
>Alan Gould: <alan@agolincs.demon.co.uk>